Participant & Public Involvement
Participant and public involvement (PPI) has played a central role in the development of the SELPHI study. Our PPI strategy aims to involve participants and members of the public throughout the lifecycle of the SELPHI clinical trial (click here to read the full strategy).
Participant and public involvement in SELPHI has already had a number of achievements to date, such as establishing a simplified language style for participant information, inclusion of trans* individuals as part of the CAG and the inclusion of trans women in the SELPHI study.
The membership of each of the SELPHI groups are listed below:
Members of the public are represented on the Trial Management Group (TMG) and the Core Group.
A community advisory group comprising 28 members of the public advise the trial team on the running of the study.
Name | Organisation |
Aedan Wolton | cliniQ |
Andrew Gill | Personal capacity |
Ben Cromarty | North Yorkshire AIDS Action |
Harry Dodd | Personal capacity |
Kat Smithson | Policy and Campaigns Manager, NAT |
Marc Thompson | National Coordinator, Project 100. Positively UK |
Michelle Ross | Co-Founder cliniQ |
Roger Pebody (co-chair) | NAM |
Roy Trevelion (co-chair) | HIV i-Base |
Simon Collins | HIV i-Base |
Plus 18 other members, some of whom have elected to remain anonymous
A stakeholder eGroup including representatives from community based organisations and HIV charities across England and Wales support and advise the study team.
Name | Organisation |
Aedan Wolton | cliniQ |
Cary James | THT |
Jamie Pallas | Gender Intelligence |
Kate Nambiar | Clinic T |
Louie Stafford | LGBT Foundation |
Mark Santos | Positive East |
Michelle Ross | cliniQ |
Monty Moncrieff | London Friend |
Paul Steinberg | Do-it London |
Rob Cookson | LGBT Foundation |
Roger Pebody | NAM |
Roy Trevelion | i-base |
Simon Collins | i-base |
Stephan Gampenrieder | THT Direct |
Zahra Jamal | NAZ Project |
SELPHI participants will be invited to contribute to ad hoc PPI meetings via the participant mailing list.
Further Information